Kent Truck Accident Lawyer

Trucking accidents are complicated events that can lead to severe injuries due to the substantial size and weight of these commercial vehicles. These incidents often involve federal regulations and multi-party liability issues, making them even more complicated. Having a skilled Kent personal injury lawyer by your side is critical in navigating the aftermath of a truck accident and securing just compensation for any losses or injuries sustained. If you’ve been affected by a truck accident, contact Brumley Law Firm to schedule a free consultation.

Why Hire Brumley Law Firm For Your Truck Accident Case?

If you’ve been involved in a truck accident in Kent, securing representation from a lawyer is key to navigating the aftermath successfully. Here’s why you should work with us:

  • With almost a decade of legal experience, we have the necessary experience to deal with the complexities of truck accident claims.
  • Our track record showcases our capability; we’ve successfully concluded over 300 cases in just the last year.
  • Having former insurance attorneys on our team provides us with unique insight into how these companies operate, enabling us to counter their tactics effectively.

When facing the challenges of a truck accident case, you can trust your case with Brumley Law Firm. Contact us today to schedule your free consultation.

How an Attorney Can Help You With a Truck Accident Case

In the complex aftermath of truck accidents, having the assistance of a Kent truck accident attorney is invaluable. Here’s what they can do for you:

  • Conduct a detailed investigation of the accident scene, driver records, logbook evidence, and the trucking company’s compliance history to build a strong negligence case.
  • Deal with complicated negotiations involving multiple insurance carriers and other parties involved in the accident.
  • Represent you in court if settlement discussions do not reach an adequate resolution, making sure you get fair compensation.

With appropriate legal support, you can confidently pursue the compensation you deserve after a truck accident. Contact Brumley Law Firm to discuss your case and see how we can help.

Common Causes of Truck Accidents Leading to Personal Injury Cases

Truck accidents can occur for a variety of reasons, many connected to the unique challenges of operating large commercial vehicles. Some common causes leading to personal injury cases include:

Driver Fatigue: Truck drivers often suffer from inadequate rest due to long hours on the road and pressure from their employers, increasing the risk of accidents.

Distracted Driving: Distractions, like cell phone usage or other distractions inside the cab, can lead to a lack of concentration, with severe consequences due to a truck’s size and required braking distances.

Equipment Malfunction: A failure in essential parts like brakes or tires can compromise a truck’s safety, leading to accidents. This could be the result of defective parts or a lack of maintenance.

Poor Training or Screening: Insufficient training for handling large vehicles or inadequate screening of drivers’ backgrounds and skills can increase the risk of accidents caused by driver errors.

Understanding these common causes is critical when building a personal injury case after a truck accident and determining liability.

Potential Liability in Kent Truck Accident Cases

Determining liability in truck accident cases can be complicated due to the number of entities involved in a truck’s operation. Here are some parties who might be held liable:

Truck Driver: The driver may be responsible if their actions or negligence contributed to the accident, which is the most common situation.

Trucking Company: Trucking companies are often liable for accidents resulting from insufficient training or the pressures they put on drivers to ignore safety regulations and drive longer hours than legally permitted, as well as poor maintenance of their fleet.

Cargo Loaders: Improperly loaded or secured cargo might cause shifts in balance or spilling of contents that lead to accidents, which can then lead to the loaders being responsible for damages.

Truck Manufacturers: If a truck defect caused or contributed to the accident, manufacturers could be held accountable, as they are tasked with creating safe tractor-trailers and components.

Another Driver on the Road: Circumstances can arise where a third-party driver’s actions contribute to an accident involving a truck, such as unsafely cutting in front of it and causing the truck driver to suddenly brake or veer into another lane.

Determining liability in truck accidents can be complicated due to the potential parties that could be responsible. For help, you should contact a Kent car accident lawyer as soon as possible.

Contact Brumley Law Firm To Schedule a Free Consultation

If you’ve been involved in a truck accident, reaching out for legal guidance is a critical first step. At Brumley Law Firm, our truck accident lawyers are ready to leverage their experience and knowledge to investigate your claim and explore potential compensation avenues. Call us today or fill out our contact form to schedule a free consultation so we can evaluate the specifics of your case and plan an effective legal strategy.