Right of Way Laws in Washington State

In Washington State, right-of-way laws are designed to promote safe and orderly traffic flow. Right-of-way laws determine who has the legal right to proceed first in various traffic situations, such as at intersections, crosswalks, or when merging. These laws are established to prevent confusion and conflicts on the road, ensuring safe and orderly traffic flow.

What is Yielding?

In the context of traffic and right-of-way laws, “yielding” refers to the act of allowing another vehicle, pedestrian, or cyclist to go first, especially in situations where there might be potential conflicts between road users. Yielding involves slowing down, stopping if necessary, and waiting until it is safe and clear before proceeding.


There are a few scenarios involving intersections:

  • Uncontrolled Intersections: When two vehicles approach an intersection with no traffic control devices (like stop signs or lights) from different roads at the same time, the vehicle on the left must yield to the vehicle on the right.
  • Controlled Intersections: If you approach an intersection with a stop sign, you must stop and yield to any traffic already in the intersection or approaching so closely as to constitute an immediate hazard.
  • Turning Left: When turning left at an intersection, you must yield to oncoming traffic that is close enough to be a hazard.
  • Four-way Stop: The first vehicle to stop at the intersection goes first. If two vehicles arrive at the same time, the vehicle on the right has the right of way.


Drivers must stop for pedestrians in crosswalks, whether marked or unmarked, when they are on your half of the roadway or within one lane of your vehicle.

When emerging from an alley, driveway, or building, drivers must stop before driving onto a sidewalk and yield to pedestrians and cyclists. Pedestrians have the right of way when crossing a street at a crosswalk where there is a “walk” signal. If you have been injured in a pedestrian accident, contact our Seattle pedestrian accident attorneys for legal guidance.

Right of Way Laws in Washington State

Emergency Vehicles

You must yield the right of way to police cars, fire engines, ambulances, or other emergency vehicles using a siren or flashing lights. Pull to the right edge of the road and stop until the vehicle has passed.

When approaching a stationary emergency vehicle with flashing lights on a roadway, you must move over a lane if possible or slow down if not.

Additional Right of Way Laws in Washington State

  • School Buses: You must stop for a school bus that is stopped with its red lights flashing and stop sign extended. This applies to vehicles traveling in either direction on undivided roads. On divided highways, only traffic following the bus must stop. Failing to stop for a school bus can result in serious accidents. According to a study that Brumley Law Firm recently conducted, there were 1,082 fatalities in school bus accidents between 2013 and 2022, approximately 16% of which involved pedestrians.
  • Roundabouts: Vehicles entering a roundabout must yield to traffic already in the roundabout. When exiting, drivers should signal and yield to pedestrians in crosswalks.
  • Merging: When merging onto a highway, vehicles must yield to traffic already on the highway. When changing lanes, drivers must yield to vehicles in the lane they wish to enter.
  • Bicycles: Bicycles are considered vehicles and have the same rights and responsibilities on the road. Drivers must yield to bicycles as they would to any other vehicle.
  • Yield Signs: At yield signs, drivers must slow down and be prepared to stop if necessary to yield to other vehicles or pedestrians.

These rules are enforced to ensure safety and prevent accidents. Always be vigilant and cautious, particularly in situations where right-of-way might be contested or unclear.

Contact Us Today

If you’ve been involved in a situation where someone failed to adhere to right-of-way laws, your safety and rights may have been compromised. Don’t wait – reach out to Brumley Law Firm today. Our experienced Seattle accident attorneys are here to help you navigate the legal process and get the compensation you deserve. Call us now at (833) 832-2727 or use our online form for a free consultation. Let us fight for your rights and ensure justice is served.