Everett Personal Injury Attorney

If you get into an accident of any kind in Everett, you may be left with painful injuries that require expensive medical care. You may be unable to return to work right away. If someone else is at fault for your accident and injury, you may qualify for financial compensation. A fair award can allow you and your family to pick up the pieces and move forward.

At Brumley Law Firm, our Everett personal injury attorneys represent individuals and families to help them seek justice after preventable accidents. We are passionate about holding careless and reckless parties responsible for their actions. Discuss how we can help you with a case during a free consultation.

Why Do Clients Choose Us?

  • Our highly experienced team of attorneys always puts their clients first. Your lawyer will fight hard to achieve the best possible results for your case using personalized legal strategies.
  • We have over 30 years of combined legal experience. In that time, we have gone up against all types of defendants, big and small. We never back down from a challenge.
  • Our law firm provides comprehensive support for every client, with frequent communication, constant updates and compassionate care throughout the legal experience.
  • We don’t charge anything upfront for our personal injury services. Our law firm operates on a contingency fee basis, meaning no attorney’s fees unless we win.

How Can an Everett Personal Injury Attorney Help You?

Entrusting your case to a personal injury lawyer in Everett gives you the resources to successfully go up against one or more defendants or at-fault parties. A law firm can take over settlement negotiations with an insurance company, for example, and hire experts to obtain strong evidence that supports your case. Your lawyer will also be able to bring your case to trial, if necessary, for maximum compensation.

It is especially important to hire a personal injury attorney if a recent accident in Everett left you or a loved one with catastrophic injuries, or damage that will have a significant impact on your life and future. Without an attorney, you may get taken advantage of by an insurance company and accept less than you deserve for a lifetime of losses. An attorney will advocate for your rights and best interests while you concentrate on healing.

What Are the Elements of a Personal Injury Case?

To successfully secure financial compensation for an accident in Everett, you must provide evidence of a defendant’s fault or liability. The elements of proof required will vary based on the legal foundation for the case. Most cases are founded on the doctrine of negligence, which means the failure to act with an appropriate or reasonable amount of care.

Negligence consists of four elements:

  1. Duty of care: a responsibility the defendant has to act with a certain level of care and prudence.
  2. Breach of duty: an act or omission that falls short of the defendant’s duty of care.
  3. Causation: a connection between the breach of duty and the victim’s (plaintiff’s) injuries.
  4. Damages: actual losses suffered by the plaintiff due to the accident or injury.

To find out if you have a personal injury case, consult with our attorneys in Everett. We will listen to your accident story during a free, no-obligation case evaluation and let you know if your claim has merit. If so, we can investigate the accident in depth, determine the liable parties and gather evidence to start building your case.

Cases We Accept in Everett

At Brumley Law Firm, our attorneys have years of experience representing victims of all types of accidents throughout the State of Washington. We accept all of the following types of personal injury cases, among others:

  • Bicycle accidents
  • Brain injuries
  • Bus accidents
  • Car accidents
  • Catastrophic injuries
  • Distracted driving accidents
  • DUI accidents
  • Hit-and-run accidents
  • Motorcycle accidents
  • Pedestrian accidents
  • Premises liability
  • Rear-end collisions
  • Slip and fall accidents
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Truck accidents
  • Uber and Lyft accidents
  • Uninsured/underinsured motorist accidents
  • Wrongful death

We understand the laws that pertain to different types of personal injury claims in Washington and can help you successfully navigate them as our client.

What Types of Compensation Are Available to Accident Victims in Everett?

The purpose of a personal injury case is to make an accident victim whole again by providing a financial recovery. A successful case could result in a financial settlement or judgment award that aims to reimburse the victim for losses and expenses caused by the defendant’s negligence or fault.

The types of financial compensation available may include:

  • Past and future medical expenses
  • Lost wages and future capacity to earn
  • Property damage repairs or replacement
  • Physical pain and emotional suffering
  • Loss of consortium
  • Wrongful death damages
  • Punitive damages, in some cases

An insurance company will want to protect its own profits, not maximize your payout. It is important not to accept a quick settlement offer from an insurance company. Before signing anything sent to you by an insurer, consult with an attorney at Brumley Law Firm to learn the potential value of your case. We will help you fight for maximum financial compensation.

What Is the Statute of Limitations on an Everett Personal Injury Claim?

It is important not to take too long to pursue a personal injury claim after an accident in Everett. A law in Washington called the statute of limitations places a strict time limit of three years on a victim’s right to file a personal injury claim. The Revised Code of Washington § 4.16.080 states:

  • The following actions shall be commenced within three years:
  • (2) An action for taking, detaining, or injuring personal property, including an action for the specific recovery thereof, or for any other injury to the person or rights of another not hereinafter enumerated.

With rare exceptions, if a claimant does not bring a cause of action within three years of the date of the accident or injury discovery, he or she will be “time-barred,” or prevented by the courts from filing a personal injury claim. Certain circumstances could extend or shorten this deadline.

Contact Brumley Law Firm Today for a Free Consultation in Everett

If you or someone you love gets injured in an avoidable accident, contact Brumley Law Firm for a free consultation with one of our personal injury attorneys to discuss your legal options. We are passionate about helping accident victims in Everett recover from their injuries and hold at-fault parties accountable. Discuss your case in detail today. Call us at (833) 832-2727.